Our 2nd Draft Proofreading and Critique services are designed to help you put
forth your very best effort, whether it be a query letter, synopsis, manuscript,
press release or promotional campaign.
forth your very best effort, whether it be a query letter, synopsis, manuscript,
press release or promotional campaign.
Our real-world knowledge and expertise can help you develop your project into something you’ll be able to submit with pride and confidence. Having said that,
we must stress that we do not create original (fiction) material for you, nor
do we rewrite or revise.
What we offer is an overall evaluation of strengths and weaknesses, commentary on style and content, point out consistent grammatical issues, and offer insight and clear suggestions for revision. We also offer a full line of creative and writing services for non-fiction, Corporate Communications and related projects.
Contact- Publisher@DuckRiverPress.com